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Bills to Trademark Bills Mafia


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Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and do not play one on  the internet.

There is a history on where the term came from. Del Reid needs to file a counterclaim (affirmative defense) and some paperwork to back it up, assuming he wants to. There is also a website owned by a former BBMB moderator (I "think") who owns the url billsmafia.com. They would have a claim - and they should definitely file a counter claim.

And, I would still file a counter claim... even if it is simply to prevent it being awarded to the BIlls.



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My understanding of trademark law is about as thick as a leaflet, but I believe he would be able to challenge their application, as he can fairly easily show he was using it first.


Whether or not he would be able to trademark it himself due to the word "Bills" being in the name, I do not know.


At the very least, he could try to leverage some payment from the Bills to not contest the trademark.

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3 minutes ago, Koko said:

My understanding of trademark law is about as thick as a leaflet, but I believe he would be able to challenge their application, as he can fairly easily show he was using it first.


Whether or not he would be able to trademark it himself due to the word "Bills" being in the name, I do not know.


At the very least, he could try to leverage some payment from the Bills to not contest the trademark.

I do not know Del personally, but based on his work and tweets, i could see him just wanted to get assurances he can still use the "Mafia" stuff at 26. But i could be 100% wrong on that. 

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My understanding is Del couldnt trademark it since it had Bills in it (and it obviously is in reference to the Buffalo Bills)


This trademark (they are doing one for the logo and one for the phrase) would allow the team to sell licensing to other apparel companies etc to make them stuff.


I would hope that they would still let Del do what he was doing free of charge, but this would also allow the bills to do stuff that they want.


I will wait for more information to come out like usual.

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My hope is that this is a matter of shutting out other’s using the brand without license and that they would allow Del and 26 to continue as is. 

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14 minutes ago, mead107 said:

The Bills Did reach out to Del and seems very happy. 

I’d quite glad to hear that this is how it shook out.

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I don’t really like this move by the Pegulas. Seems greedy and unnecessary. The Pegulas own the Bills — they do NOT own the Mafia. 

While Kim has assets I really do admire, I’m not a fan of her mixing “social justice” with my football. And it’s Kim, c’mon, we all know it’s Kim. 

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32 minutes ago, Dolphinflavoredtuna said:

This should fly as well as a lead biscuit!

Del appears very good with it. Bills did reach out to him before this all happened, and I don’t think it is going to interfere with his efforts and business at all. All good with me if all good with him!

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1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

Del appears very good with it. Bills did reach out to him before this all happened, and I don’t think it is going to interfere with his efforts and business at all. All good with me if all good with him!


This doesn't surprise me. Taking advantage of Del would be like kicking a priest, and while yes, the Bills as a company are something of a machine, you don't go out of your way to lift up a beloved Bills fan like Pancho Billa at the NFL draft just to kick another beloved fan who has raised almost a million dollars for local charitable cases.

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