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Last Minute Tailgating Supplies/Beer!

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  • Wegmans - 3740 McKinley Pkwy. The last stop before left on Southwestern gets crowded, especially the bathrooms from 8–10 am.
  • Tops - 4250 McKinley Pkwy. Less crowded than the Wegmans, but an extra turn.
  • Speedway - 2530 Hamburg Turnpike ( RT 5), Buffalo, NY 14218. If coming from downtown and using RT 5, this place has a surprisingly good selection of tailgate supplies like charcoal, small propane tanks for cooking stoves( not sure if they have tank exchange or not), and most importantly, beer and smokes if you need em! Tim Hortons is on-site, but it can be a bit slow. Great stop if you just need beer or charcoal, much quicker than Tops or Wegmans.
  • Mobil - 3856 Southwestern Blvd. (Corner of Southwestern and Abbott). Full capability to refill your propane tank. This can be a lifesaver!
  • KK Food Mart - 3846 Southwestern (across the street from the Mobil).

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