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The Beer Thread

KD in CA

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Hope this can be the place to share old and new favorites.


I got into Lagunitas when I lived back East, and once in CA was exposed to a lot of their beers.  Good stuff, but I've been off them for a bit.   A few that are now regular purchases:


-Trumer Pils (Berkeley, CA);  light body, good flavor.  Solid standby.  My go-to for the 4:30 beer.

-East Brother (Richmond, CA);  Bo Pils (nice crisp flavor) and Gold IPA (malty, yummy) are my favs so far.  Slightly less in love w/ the Red Lager, but I think that one is just better out of the tap than the can as I've had it out and really enjoyed it.

-Fort Point (SF);  lots of Fort Point around here and I find their beers very hit or miss.  Not a fan of the IPA or Red Ale, but recently found the SFIZIO - Italian style pilsner and have enjoyed that.  Yes, lots of pilsner for me lately, it's been a hot summer.

-Coronado Weekend Vibe IPA (CO);  never heard of this brewery before, just bought it, like the first one.  Need a few more to judge.


I also bough a rack of Dogfish Head 90 minute.  We used to do family vacations on the beach down in DE for a number of years and discovered DFH before they became big, but I haven't had any in years.  So I grabbed the 90 minute and am looking forward it enjoying that.

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1 hour ago, KD in CA said:

Hope this can be the place to share old and new favorites.


I got into Lagunitas when I lived back East, and once in CA was exposed to a lot of their beers.  Good stuff, but I've been off them for a bit.   A few that are now regular purchases:


One of the best beers I had a while back was the Hairy Eyeball (Ale) by Lagunitas. I think it was a limited brewing since I never saw it since.
Stocked up on one of my new favorites Rogue Dead and Dead (Amber Ale). Rogue Dead Guy aged in whiskey barrels. Only available in September and October. Not cheap so will save for special occasions.

When I do home projects its Coors Light.

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My current favorite is Little Sumpin.


I home brew.  My go to beers are a Great Lakes Commodore Perry IPA and Arrogant Bastard clones.  The clones have evolved over time to be almost unrecognizable as the original since I like to experiment with different hop varieties and types of grains (I do extract brewing with steeped grains for color/flavor).

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Kentucky Bourbon barrel ale.  The original, there are near copies.  For those in Buffalo, Premier has it from time to time.  Wonderful bourbon enhanced taste.  Potent ABV.   Expensive but worth a try.

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Go-to beers (I’m not much into exploration these days):

Brooklyn Lager

Sierra Nevada

Molson Canadian

Pabst Blue Ribbon


Coors heavy


I’ve homebrewed but got away from it. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I might do a couple batches. Pale ales, light on the hops. 


Wheat beer sucks.



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  • 4 months later...

I mainly enjoy IPA'S but have recently started getting into sours.


My favorite "drink all day" IPA is Two Roads Lil Heaven. Not too strong.


A year or so ago, I bought an IPA that looked cool and it actually tasted great.


Minkey Boodle is a strong raspberry sour. Just delicious.


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On 3/3/2021 at 9:22 AM, LB3 said:

I mainly enjoy IPA'S but have recently started getting into sours.


My favorite "drink all day" IPA is Two Roads Lil Heaven. Not too strong.



That was one of my go to beers when l lived in CT.

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On 3/3/2021 at 12:22 PM, LB3 said:

I mainly enjoy IPA'S but have recently started getting into sours.


My favorite "drink all day" IPA is Two Roads Lil Heaven. Not too strong.


A year or so ago, I bought an IPA that looked cool and it actually tasted great.


Minkey Boodle is a strong raspberry sour. Just delicious.


I am a Sour guy as well. On Sunday walked into a  local brewery close to us, and they had a Flanders Red on tap. When ordered, dude gave me a funny look, I said “

no worries, love Flander Reds” and he started laughing. . If you have not had the style, and also called Oud Bruin and Flemish Sour I think.. give em a shot.   

Lindermans  is usually readily available at a Total Wine type place. Only downsize is they are all the large bottles, not the 12 0z ones. 

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I was in a sibling group text last week:


Sister:  I'm drinking a Yueungling in honor of dad!! (his favorite beer)

Me:  😞

Me:  That was for not missing dad.  For missing beer...

Siblings:  <Crickets>

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  • 3 months later...

Sounds gross, buuuuut....

We were away for a few weeks staying at extended stay hotels. Many of these hotels have M-T get togethers where they have food + drinks (we did one in Naples, Florida a few years back that was basically a backyard BBQ with tons of booze... most are not that great). We had a few beers at one, and were SHOCKED to to find out it was Bud Light, and we enjoyed it.  

While I am not a big beer fan, I was pleasantly surprised that the Bus Light was flavorful on a hot day.


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On 10/20/2020 at 10:47 PM, snafu said:

I’ve homebrewed but got away from it.

When I did the home brew thing I tried to speed up the fermentation process with a time dilation portal


Man, that was a mistake 

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I am a seasoned beer drinker, which is to say I drink beer every day. Stella is my go-to. I have tried some IPAs but I tend to drink at a certain speed and the higher alcohol content does not favor that approach. Not to mention, drinking IPAs for some people has become their new Pokemon game, and when the whole world gravitates like sheep to something, it's when I bow out.


That said, I recently was introduced to Bayern Brewing's Pilser. He's a German brewer who set up show across the border from me in Montana, and I am here to tell you it is one of the finest 'new' beers I have tried in some time. It's a true Bavarian Pils, and if you can find, by all means, get ye some quickly.



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1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:

It's a true Bavarian Pils, and if you can find, by all means, get ye some quickly.

I do like a good Pilsner.
I just found this barrel aged beer on tap locally. A little spendy but at 11% one glass of this is all I need. Nice flavor and goes down smooth.

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On 6/22/2021 at 6:09 PM, IDBillzFan said:

I am a seasoned beer drinker, which is to say I drink beer every day. Stella is my go-to. I have tried some IPAs but I tend to drink at a certain speed and the higher alcohol content does not favor that approach. Not to mention, drinking IPAs for some people has become their new Pokemon game, and when the whole world gravitates like sheep to something, it's when I bow out.


That said, I recently was introduced to Bayern Brewing's Pilser. He's a German brewer who set up show across the border from me in Montana, and I am here to tell you it is one of the finest 'new' beers I have tried in some time. It's a true Bavarian Pils, and if you can find, by all means, get ye some quickly.




I still like IPAs...traditional English and west coast styles. What I don't like is the trend that I had hoped was a fad in the abundance of hazy IPAs that are everywhere now. I don't understand the appeal. Especially the new England style "milkshake" IPAs with added lactose. Disgusting. Now there are hazy pale ales and hazy session ipas too.  When ordering from a brewery or bar I now always have to ask for a sample before ordering because the staff often doesn't know the difference between the classic styles and these new fangled imposters.

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Sadly, I've developed a weird allergy to highly hopped beers.  Now I can only tolerate crisp pilsners and light beers, and even then at much smaller quantities.


My tequila intake has risen commensurately

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On 6/25/2021 at 9:18 AM, GG1 said:

Sadly, I've developed a weird allergy to highly hopped beers.  Now I can only tolerate crisp pilsners and light beers, and even then at much smaller quantities.


My tequila intake has risen commensurately


A friend of mine turned me on to my new favorite tequila called Grand Mayan.


He served it to me on the rocks with a couple of slices of jalapeno in the bottom of the glass, and now I spend my weekends with this bottle like a long-lost lover.

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