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15 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


It's not treason because treason is specifically aiding and abetting an enemy of the country.


It's not insurrection because insurrection specifically requires the use of force to overthrow a legally constituted government.  


I personally would also argue that a definition of insurrection as an act specifically against the President is fundamentally authoritarian, and even fascist, and contrary to the principles of American governance.  Same basic logic by which I dismiss arguments that Jan 6 was an insurrection: disrupting a session of Congress, while a crime, isn't insurrection, even if it disrupts the certification of an election, because the validity of the election comes from the people, not an act of Congress.  Subverting the two is fundamentally authoritarian.  


I think we're on the same page as far as the actions taken by the Democrat party as authoritarian, but you lose me when you argue their action against the people and the opposition party isn't a crime. In this, it would be okay then in your scenario for that party to even become fascist, banning the other party since there is no way to hold them accountable.


Perhaps a conversation for later or another day, we have football to enjoy today! Peace!

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Crap Throwing Clavin
35 minutes ago, Cinga said:


I think we're on the same page as far as the actions taken by the Democrat party as authoritarian, but you lose me when you argue their action against the people and the opposition party isn't a crime. In this, it would be okay then in your scenario for that party to even become fascist, banning the other party since there is no way to hold them accountable.


Perhaps a conversation for later or another day, we have football to enjoy today! Peace!


"Not insurrection" doesn't mean "not a crime."  


I'm not sure what crime Garland should be charged with in this case.  But it's not insurrection.

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5 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


"Not insurrection" doesn't mean "not a crime."  


I'm not sure what crime Garland should be charged with in this case.  But it's not insurrection.

Obstruction of justice.

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New documents show that the ‘coronavirus’ and vaccines are biosynthetic parasites. That’s according to former Pfizer VP Karen Kingston, who provided proof that they are cleverly disguised bioweapons.


She explains how the “spike protein” is a magnetized lipid nanoparticle about 10 microns, so 1/100th the size a “virus” would be, but there was never any coronavirus involved. Kingston points out that this MPED (magnetized lipid nano-particle) contains CRISPR-Cas9 (CRISPR Associated Protein 9).

Cas9 is a 160-kilodalton protein that plays a vital role in the immunological defense of certain bacteria against DNA viruses and plasmids, and is heavily utilized in genetic engineering applications. Its main function is to cut DNA and thereby alter a cell’s genome.


The spikes on the Covid-19 virus are cholesterol-like probes to penetrate cells, the spike proteins are weapons infusible into foods/water.

The lipid nanoparticles can infect and disrupt the central nervous system.

The nanotechnology involved is way outside of the normal scope, but it is apparently a biosynthetic parasite, which is why it responded to Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

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6 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


"Magnetized lipid nanoparticle" is some real double-talk bullshit.

Yeah I kinda feel that article was missing a Flux capacitor

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Crap Throwing Clavin
23 minutes ago, devnull said:

Yeah I kinda feel that article was missing a Flux capacitor


I kinda want to ask "How do you magnetize a lipid?"  But I'm pretty sure the answer will be something like "With quantum physics!" and piss me off immensely.

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“These Covid-19 decree violation scores were calculated by analyzing nearly two billion global positioning system (GPS) pings to get “real-time, ultra-granular locations patterns.” People who were “on the go more often than their neighbors” were given a high Covid-19 decree violation score while those who mostly or always stayed at home were given a low Covid-19 decree violation score,” writes Reclaim the Net’s Tom Parker.


The data collected was then used by PredictWise to help Democrats target over 350,000 “COVID concerned” Republicans with campaign ads relating to virus prevention measures.


“PredictWise understood that there were potential pockets of voters to target with Covid-19 messaging and turned high-dimensional data covering over 100 million Americans into measures of adherence to Covid-19 restrictions during deep lockdown,” the company states in its white paper.


This information was used to help identify 40,000 “persuasion targets” for Senate candidate Mark Kelly, who was subsequently elected.


As we highlighted throughout the COVID lockdowns, chilling components of the surveillance grid were weaponized against ordinary people.

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Congressman must be a theorist...

GOP Rep: ‘Cabal of Unelected Elitists, Including Obama, Is In Control Of America’


... “The whole administration is a rogue administration and I guess we all know Joe Biden is not running this country,” Norman continued.


He further asserted “there is a cabal of unelected elitists who are running this country,” adding “Probably Barack Obama is involved. Probably Eric Holder… but who knows? We know it’s not Biden.” ...


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Ponese, that Epoch Times author quoted above, fears that the truth may never come out thanks to censorship by the establishment and our own blind trust.

“We have relied for too long on institutions to do the remembering for us, to generate moral responsibility on our behalf,” she wrote.

“In the era of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, personal accountability has been trained out of us. We were taught to believe that institutions would act as our surrogate moral conscience, taking account and making apology for us.”

That much is true, but things are changing. Alternative voices exposing the truth are being heard, though gradually. Polls show overwhelming, bipartisan distrust of traditional media. Most everybody knows we are being lied to, though it will take time to assimilate just how thoroughly we’ve been lied to.

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Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet…we never seem to believe them. In this Stew Peters Network EXCLUSIVE, the award winning filmmakers behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES present the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

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Covid is gone. But people keep dying. Why?


As Thomas L. Ryan, Service Corporation’s chairman and chief executive, told investors Wednesday morning:

If you go back in this industry and particularly with SCI, year-to-year you would see the numbers of deaths -- probably in one year you may be down 1% or 2%, in the next year you're up 1% or 2% which you could predict was pretty good accuracy over a year and over a big footprint like ours what was probably going to happen… 2020 comes along, Covid, game-changer, right. We're having to do at one point of time 20 percent more funerals which is unheard of in a year versus, let's say, a year or two before.

So Service Corporation expected that once Covid passed, its business would go back to normal…

What we would have expected is, why wouldn't we go back towards, let's say, a 2019 level, maybe you get a percent or so growth of 2019, I would expect that. So that would be a reasonable level that we think would stabilize. And that's kind of what we anticipated...

Only that’s not what has happened.

What we're telling you is, the third quarter of this year, we did 15% more calls than we did in the third quarter of 2019. That is not what anybody would have anticipated and that has just a very de minimis amount of Covid deaths [emphasis added] in it.

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Deranged Rhino

A brief snapshot of just the past few years... 


1943-2017: US Gov't and mainstream position - "UFOs do not exist, and if you think they do you're a conspiracy theorist."


             2018: US Gov't and NYTs - "UFOs exist and have been observed by qualified personnel for decades and                           decades."


1960s-2019: US Gov't and mainstream position - "Intelligence agencies (foreign and domestic) do not own and operate underage sex rings for the elite designed to blackmail and control the levers of power, and if you think they do then you're a conspiracy theorists!"


             2019: Epstein arrested and suicided for running an underage sex ring for uber rich and elite clients, including                     sitting US presidents. No client list ever released.  


2016-2019: US Gov't and mainstream position - "Russia hacked the election and subverted the outcome in favor of 45."


              2020: US Gov't and mainstream position - "Our election infrastructure is entirely secure, if you suggest                              otherwise you're an election denier and a threat to the public."


                          2022: US Gov't and mainstream position - "Our election infrastructure is vulnerable to foreign                                              interference and domestic terrorists!"


2020-2021: US Gov't and mainstream position - "Covid came from a wet market, anyone suggesting a lab leak is a          misinformation peddler."


                         Late 2021: US Gov't (IC) and mainstream position - "We can't rule out a lab leak origin, even though we                               doctored records and applied pressure on talking heads to do just that for close to 24 months."


2020-2021: US Gov't and mainstream position - "C19 vaccines are safe and stop transmission, if you suggest otherwise you're endangering the public."


                         Late 2021-22: US Gov't and mainstream position - "We never said the vaccines stopped transmission,                               and even though we know there are side effects impacting birthrates and the cardiovascular system, not                           taking it is worse so just shut up and accept that "sudden death syndrome" is unrelated. 




They literally manipulate, bend, and blur the lines of our reality - get caught doing so multiple times, intentionally and knowingly - and yet millions continue to line up to the trough to drink up the next narrative without a moment of self reflection or doubt. 


We get what we deserve ultimately. 

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13 minutes ago, Robs House said:





Of course he didn’t write this quote.


However, the quote read in the above post does not appear anywhere in his memoir book Verbatim, which has conversations between President Mitterrand and the world leaders. In fact, the word pandemic does not appear anywhere in the entire book. Similar fact-checks have been done by Snopes, AFP Factual and Poynter.

Edited by Nouseforaname
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