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Crap Throwing Clavin

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1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:


I look at DeSantis and see him doing the things Americans want.


I look at Trump and see him doing things Trump wants. If you eliminate his Swifty-like sycophants, he's done. It doesn't help that Trump continues to surround himself with people Laura Loomer. She's an embarrassment to everyone; the right's version of Taylor Lorenz.


Frankly, it won't matter. The right has years to catch up with the way the left does things. It explains how a dementia-riddled old phuck raised $72M for a campaign that spends 60% of its time on vacation.


Take a look at ANY Florida facebook group right. People are not pleased with Ron DeSantis. It is over insurance. I honestly don’t know what he could do differently, but if you are a homeowner facing a 150% insurance increase right now, you are blaming the governor. People with mortgages are going to lose their homes due to insurance premium hikes as yet another big insurance carrier leave the state (Farmers) and the remains lodge huge increases (which I can’t believe they are allowed, but the numbers in those groups are crazy), and it is perceived the governor is doing nothing about it. There is a reason Trump is polling 20 points above DeSantis in Florida, and that is part of it.

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Deranged Rhino
8 minutes ago, Ann said:

Oh boy





This is why he's got zero shot to win. He doubled down on Neoconservatism, stacked his campaign with them, while claiming to be a populist. 


You can't be both a Neocon and a populist. 


Ron wants to be accepted by the mainstream establishment - even more than Trump. It's why if he were to get into office, he'd immediately move to the "center" on everything, which really means moving to the progressive left (which is where the Neocon nerve center truly lies these days). 

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43 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


This is why he's got zero shot to win. He doubled down on Neoconservatism, stacked his campaign with them, while claiming to be a populist. 


You can't be both a Neocon and a populist. 


Ron wants to be accepted by the mainstream establishment - even more than Trump. It's why if he were to get into office, he'd immediately move to the "center" on everything, which really means moving to the progressive left (which is where the Neocon nerve center truly lies these days). 


As opposed to the guy who says he'll end the war in 24 hours.


Again, I'm not saying DeSantis is the answer. I'm just if Trump is the answer, we're asking the wrong questions.

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2 hours ago, Fansince88 said:

Here is my question. You seem to really just not like Trump. If he wins the primary are you not voting?


I live in Idaho. My vote won't matter here any more than it mattered in CA.


But as much as I dislike Trump, I would take him AND his shitbag hack Laura Loomer over anyone the left brings to the table, and I don't care if it's Biden or Kneepads or Newsome or Michelle. The left is run by people who pull the president's strings, and they all need to be wiped out.


And the same goes for McConnell, who apparently has retired and has very little to say about anything happening in the country right now, especially about the Biden Bribery to coke in the WH. He's never been more irrelevant.

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He really sounds like a neocon. :classic_laugh:


And smart enough to take the fight to Newsome early because it's becoming pretty clear Biden isn't going to finish his first term based on his inability to walk or complete full sentences.



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Deranged Rhino
18 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


As opposed to the guy who says he'll end the war in 24 hours.


Again, I'm not saying DeSantis is the answer. I'm just if Trump is the answer, we're asking the wrong questions.


(With full respect) Why is that an issue of doubt? Trump, for all his faults, gave us the first four years of not starting new wars in two decades. The one area he's shown his mettle more than any other POTUS in the 21st century is on the foreign policy front and challenging the powers that truly run this planet. He literally operated on the peace through strength principle, actually stood up to Putin rather than roll out the red carpet for him to invade, he got Kim to put his rockets away, and brokered the Abraham Accords - while eliminating ISIS (by cutting off the elements of the establishment who were propping them up), and bringing the Mullahs to the brink of ouster. And he did all of that without starting a new conflict or depleting our ammo stores and readiness capabilities. In fact, he strengthened both. 


It took less than 3 months for Biden to get us into a new war - that wasn't a coincidence, that was DC going "back to business". And the cost of that war has been to completely reorganize the geopolitical power structure of our planet, devaluing the reserve currency, weakening both our own military's readiness and supplies as well as our allies'. Almost like the whole thing is designed to allow China to swoop in and take over the top spot on the geopolitical totem pole.


And it should be noted this was the very same war (in essence) that Clinton OR Jeb was supposed to start after her win in '16 (just fighting Russians in Syria vs Ukraine) and the very same war 44's neocon/neoliberal circle tried to pick in 2014. That wasn't an accident, or coincidence, or purely done on Putin's whim. And now almost all of those neocons from 44's circle are staking their claims to RDS. 


It's not the DNC that's put us in this hole we are in as a Republic.


It's not the GOP either.


It's the uniparty establishment that did it, and who are continuing to dig the hole ever deeper. The ties that bond the uniparty establishment aren't political, they are forged in endless war and all the revenue streams they provide. 


Forget the culture war, that's a sideshow meant to divide and distract. If you want true change you have to cut out the rot at the core of the uniparty (which extends well beyond politics and DC), and you just don't get that by backing a candidate who's willingly tied himself to that cause - and more importantly, to their money.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Crap Throwing Clavin
19 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



It took less than 3 months for Biden to get us into a new war



Not a new war.  Started with Russia invading the Crimea.


But notably, and to your point: notice how it didn't escalate when Trump was in office, and only after he was out?


I shudder to think what would have happened in the Ukraine in 2016 if Hillary were elected.

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5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


(With full respect) Why is that an issue of doubt? Trump, for all his faults, gave us the first four years of not starting new wars in two decades. The one area he's shown his mettle more than any other POTUS in the 21st century is on the foreign policy front and challenging the powers that truly run this planet. He literally operated on the peace through strength principle, actually stood up to Putin rather than roll out the red carpet for him to invade, he got Kim to put his rockets away, and brokered the Abraham Accords - while eliminating ISIS (by cutting off the elements of the establishment who were propping them up), and bringing the Mullahs to the brink of ouster. And he did all of that without starting a new conflict or depleting our ammo stores and readiness capabilities. In fact, he strengthened both. 


It took less than 3 months for Biden to get us into a new war - that wasn't a coincidence, that was DC going "back to business". And the cost of that war has been to completely reorganize the geopolitical power structure of our planet, devaluing the reserve currency, weakening both our own military's readiness and supplies as well as our allies'. Almost like the whole thing is designed to allow China to swoop in and take over the top spot on the geopolitical totem pole.


And it should be noted this was the very same war (in essence) that Clinton OR Jeb was supposed to start after her win in '16 (just fighting Russians in Syria vs Ukraine) and the very same war 44's neocon/neoliberal circle tried to pick in 2014. That wasn't an accident, or coincidence, or purely done on Putin's whim. And now almost all of those neocons from 44's circle are staking their claims to RDS. 


It's not the DNC that's put us in this hole we are in as a Republic.


It's not the GOP either.


It's the uniparty establishment that did it, and who are continuing to dig the hole ever deeper. The ties that bond the uniparty establishment aren't political, they are forged in endless war and all the revenue streams they provide. 


Forget the culture war, that's a sideshow meant to divide and distract. If you want true change you have to cut out the rot at the core of the uniparty (which extends well beyond politics and DC), and you just don't get that by backing a candidate who's willingly tied himself to that cause - and more importantly, to their money.


I get all that. IF you want to hang your hat exclusively on the fact that he didn't get us in a war, terrific.


He then joined the uniparty in shutting down the country while all but destroying my livelihood, for an unnecessary fast-tracked vaccine that has probably killed more people than it saved.


Perhaps he can really do damage to the uniparty this time while working with his good buddy Lyndsey Graham.


He's another rung on the ladder, DR. Just a different sounding member of the uniparty, and like every other six year old I know, the whining is extremely tiresome.


The culture war may be a distraction to you, but without getting personal (because I dig you), I'll assume you don't have any children that have to attend public school. Go get you a six year old who comes home one day and wants to cut his penis off while apologizing for being white, and then we'll discuss how much of a distraction that is.

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17 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


I get all that. IF you want to hang your hat exclusively on the fact that he didn't get us in a war, terrific.


He then joined the uniparty in shutting down the country while all but destroying my livelihood, for an unnecessary fast-tracked vaccine that has probably killed more people than it saved.


Perhaps he can really do damage to the uniparty this time while working with his good buddy Lyndsey Graham.


He's another rung on the ladder, DR. Just a different sounding member of the uniparty, and like every other six year old I know, the whining is extremely tiresome.


The culture war may be a distraction to you, but without getting personal (because I dig you), I'll assume you don't have any children that have to attend public school. Go get you a six year old who comes home one day and wants to cut his penis off while apologizing for being white, and then we'll discuss how much of a distraction that is.

I am sorry that happened to you, but you are rewriting history on Covid.


We do not know what Trump was told about the virus that caused him to close the US borders to all but US citizens and the UK (at that time). Most of the world shutdown their borders at same time (I personally had to do an escape from Spain March 14th to get home as they closed Spain down (the EU) the day I left). What were all those government heads told (my guess is bioweapon)? And where did that Intel come from?


When Trump started talking about reopening the country by Easter (April 12th) - remember he didn’t close down states, governors did due to the Constitution - the screams in this country and around the world were loud and strong. People were dying by the thousands, there was no way anything was reopening. The president is not a king, s/he cannot stomp on state rights. The lockdowns were on the governors.


Mike Pence took over the Covid task force. It has to make one wonder what went down there, what he knew, and what was reported to President Trump.


That vaccine was seen as a godsend. My father died of Covid in a NYS nursing home (staff brought it in as they were on lockdown) in December of 2020. If there had been a Covid vaccine available for him to take in November of 2020, you can bet we would have given it to him. People over 65 were at risk, dying by the thousands daily, and we would have grabbed with two hands the possibility of a preventative.


What we know now, and with the clarity of hindsight, is that the vaccine after the initial Covid strain, sucked. Ivermectin and all the other protocols should have been used. When Trump suggested it, the “msm” and health officials had meltdowns. Those treatments were banned from hospitals! Remember the ventilators and Trump saying they’d be worth $5 when the Covid crisis was over?


Again, people were dying by the thousands. My DIL worked in the Covid wards in Buffalo. It was not a good time in this country. 

Biden took over in January of 2021 when the main rollout happened. That administration is responsible for the mandates, job losses due to mandates, and umpteen boosters. That administration had the responsibility of the US being the largest clinical trial ever. What did they know, and when did they know it? Why were all the boosters pushed on people? 


If that Covid shot had come out (no mandates), other protocols allowed, and state lockdowns lifted, we would look back at things differently. On the other hand, if that had happen, mail in voting in states with a D legislatures wouldn’t have happened. If Roberts had sided with the PA legislature on voting, things might have turned out differently. 

And now that this is a book, I will close.


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14 hours ago, Ann said:

I am sorry that happened to you, but you are rewriting history on Covid.


We do not know what Trump was told about the virus that caused him to close the US borders to all but US citizens and the UK (at that time). Most of the world shutdown their borders at same time (I personally had to do an escape from Spain March 14th to get home as they closed Spain down (the EU) the day I left). What were anll those government heads told (my guess is bioweapon)? And where did that Intel come from?


When Trump started talking about reopening the country by Easter (April 12th) - remember he didn’t close down states, governors did due to the Constitution - the screams in this country and around the world were loud and strong. People were dying by the thousands, there was no way anything was reopening. The president is not a king, s/he cannot stomp on state rights. The lockdowns were on the governors.


Mike Pence took over the Covid task force. It has to make one wonder what went down there, what he knew, and what was reported to President Trump.


That vaccine was seen as a godsend. My father died of Covid in a NYS nursing home (staff brought it in as they were on lockdown) in December of 2020. If there had been a Covid vaccine available for him to take in November of 2020, you can bet we would have given it to him. People over 65 were at risk, dying by the thousands daily, and we would have grabbed with two hands the possibility of a preventative.


What we know now, and with the clarity of hindsight, is that the vaccine after the initial Covid strain, sucked. Ivermectin and all the other protocols should have been used. When Trump suggested it, the “msm” and health officials had meltdowns. Those treatments were banned from hospitals! Remember the ventilators and Trump saying they’d be worth $5 when the Covid crisis was over?


Again, people were dying by the thousands. My DIL worked in the Covid wards in Buffalo. It was not a good time in this country. 

Biden took over in January of 2021 when the main rollout happened. That administration is responsible for the mandates, job losses due to mandates, and umpteen boosters. That administration had the responsibility of the US being the largest clinical trial ever. What did they know, and when did they know it? Why were all the boosters pushed on people? 


If that Covid shot had come out (no mandates), other protocols allowed, and state lockdowns lifted, we would look back at things differently. On the other hand, if that had happen, mail in voting in states with a D legislatures wouldn’t have happened. If Roberts had sided with the PA legislature on voting, things might have turned out differently. 

And now that this is a book, I will close.



So everything good = Trump

Everything bad = someone else.


Those are some rose colored glasses that would make some most Bills fans envious 

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41 minutes ago, Joe Miner said:


So everything good = Trump

Everything bad = someone else.


Those are some rose colored glasses that would make some most Bills fans envious 


And yet, my timeline and who was responsible for what, is not wrong. Do you know the answer to any of the questions I posed? 

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On 7/15/2023 at 9:01 PM, Ann said:

I am sorry that happened to you, but you are rewriting history on Covid.


We do not know what Trump was told about the virus that caused him to close the US borders to all but US citizens and the UK (at that time). Most of the world shutdown their borders at same time (I personally had to do an escape from Spain March 14th to get home as they closed Spain down (the EU) the day I left). What were all those government heads told (my guess is bioweapon)? And where did that Intel come from?


When Trump started talking about reopening the country by Easter (April 12th) - remember he didn’t close down states, governors did due to the Constitution - the screams in this country and around the world were loud and strong. People were dying by the thousands, there was no way anything was reopening. The president is not a king, s/he cannot stomp on state rights. The lockdowns were on the governors.


Mike Pence took over the Covid task force. It has to make one wonder what went down there, what he knew, and what was reported to President Trump.


That vaccine was seen as a godsend. My father died of Covid in a NYS nursing home (staff brought it in as they were on lockdown) in December of 2020. If there had been a Covid vaccine available for him to take in November of 2020, you can bet we would have given it to him. People over 65 were at risk, dying by the thousands daily, and we would have grabbed with two hands the possibility of a preventative.


What we know now, and with the clarity of hindsight, is that the vaccine after the initial Covid strain, sucked. Ivermectin and all the other protocols should have been used. When Trump suggested it, the “msm” and health officials had meltdowns. Those treatments were banned from hospitals! Remember the ventilators and Trump saying they’d be worth $5 when the Covid crisis was over?


Again, people were dying by the thousands. My DIL worked in the Covid wards in Buffalo. It was not a good time in this country. 

Biden took over in January of 2021 when the main rollout happened. That administration is responsible for the mandates, job losses due to mandates, and umpteen boosters. That administration had the responsibility of the US being the largest clinical trial ever. What did they know, and when did they know it? Why were all the boosters pushed on people? 


If that Covid shot had come out (no mandates), other protocols allowed, and state lockdowns lifted, we would look back at things differently. On the other hand, if that had happen, mail in voting in states with a D legislatures wouldn’t have happened. If Roberts had sided with the PA legislature on voting, things might have turned out differently. 

And now that this is a book, I will close.


he did start a war

you left out his war against child trafficking and pedophilia  


it's why the Establishment can't tolerate his existence



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On 7/16/2023 at 12:36 PM, Ann said:


And yet, my timeline and who was responsible for what, is not wrong. Do you know the answer to any of the questions I posed? 

I don’t like blaming any politician for making shit decisions during Covid.  They all did — and I’ll never say that I could have done better. I’m sorry to hear about your dad.  We lost my father-in-law in similar circumstances.


Your post, above, certainly reads like Covid deaths were anyone’s fault but Trump.

Biden continued policies that Trump started. Would they have continued as long if Trump were re-elected? We will never know. Or were they Pence’s policies (which Trump vocally supported all along)?

You can’t commend Trump for leaving shutdown policy decisions up to individual states and then blame the Biden administration for following the same policy. The only difference between the two is that Trump was pushing for more openings and Biden was pushing for the opposite.  Cheerleading for one or the other had little or no effect on whether states stayed shut down or eased restrictions. Actually, cheerleading for one or the other only stoked division.


Also, you point out that Trump called for alternative treatments but you leave out that he backed down on actually trying to implement the alternatives when he got pushback. Did Pence shut those alternatives down? You seem to say that the buck stops at Pence.


On 7/15/2023 at 9:01 PM, Ann said:

What were all those government heads told (my guess is bioweapon)? And where did that Intel come from?

What does that have to do with dealing with policies for handling a pandemic?  The horse was out of the barn.  And the barn owner wasn’t saying where the horse came from or how it got out.  


On 7/15/2023 at 9:01 PM, Ann said:

That administration had the responsibility of the US being the largest clinical trial ever. What did they know, and when did they know it? Why were all the boosters pushed on people? 

Actually, the administration that got the ball rolling on the vaccine was Trump’s. The vaccine was completed before the election, and the announcement was withheld until after the election.  If Trump had won, you can bet your bones that same “largest clinical trial” would have still taken place.




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