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Ron keeps doing the right thing for Florida

still searching for that Neocon influence





DeSantis Protecting Medical Freedom

The bill, SB 252, is worded to ensure that individuals cannot be discriminated against based on vaccination status or refusal to wear a mask.


“It is the intent of the Legislature that Floridians be free from mandated facial coverings, mandates of any kind relating to vaccines as provided in this section, and discrimination based on such vaccination status,” it reads.


It continues, “The Legislature finds that society is harmed by discrimination based on vaccination status…when healthy persons are prevented from participating in society and accessing employment opportunities.”


It’s hard to say it much better than that.


There is and never was any justification for politicians or companies to demand individuals be vaccinated to enter businesses or maintain employment. As even Pfizer acknowledged, their vaccines were never tested against the ability to prevent infection.


But “experts” promoted inaccurate, unsupported claims that the vaccines were “100% effective” against infection regardless.


Similarly, masks were also relentlessly promoted and mandated despite a clear, demonstrable lack of evidence.


This bill ensures that Floridians will have permanent protection against the ever-encroaching biomedical security state. And it’s yet another win for Ron DeSantis and his commitment to defending freedom and liberty.

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DeSantis signs sweeping anti-ESG legislation in Florida (msn.com)


"We want them to act as fiduciaries. We do not want them engaged on these ideological joyrides," said DeSantis just before he signed the bill at a webcast event. 


Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law on Tuesday a bill barring state officials from investing public money to promote environmental, social and governance goals, and prohibiting ESG bond sales.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Spartacus said:

DeSantis signs sweeping anti-ESG legislation in Florida (msn.com)


"We want them to act as fiduciaries. We do not want them engaged on these ideological joyrides," said DeSantis just before he signed the bill at a webcast event. 


Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law on Tuesday a bill barring state officials from investing public money to promote environmental, social and governance goals, and prohibiting ESG bond sales.



Sad thing is that progressives will read 



a bill barring state officials from investing public money to promote environmental, social and governance goals





a bill barring state officials from investing public money in environmental, social and governance goals


And not understand the difference.

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not looking forward to the day he leaves Florida




Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to show why he’s the most effective politician in the United States.



Most importantly, DeSantis and the state legislature are working towards passing a bill that would permanently ban mask mandates in Florida. Not in certain circumstances, or only in certain locations.


Everywhere. Forever.


Free Speech

Meanwhile DeSantis is working with the legislature to ensure that doctors have the same rights as other individuals.


Florida is going to ensure that discourse is protected, that doctors won’t have to fear criticizing prevailing narratives. California is working to shut down debate, limiting doctors to approved beliefs.


While other jurisdictions continue to ignore the role “experts” played in the failures of COVID policies, DeSantis is also working on legislation to prevent international bodies like the World Health Organization from taking control of Florida policy.


There will also soon be legislation to protect medical workers from engaging in procedures that go against their conscience. For example, if someone doesn’t approve of transgender operations, they won’t be forced to perform one.


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‘Dream Defenders’ Protesters Furious That DeSantis Staffer Ate Cake During Their ‘Occupation’ Of Gov’s Office.








But wait: They occupied an office? Doesn’t that count as an “insurrection” now?


12 months in solitary for everyone!



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I heard a talking head on Fox this week argue the problem with DeSantis is he goes after woke stuff, and not what truly needs to be addressed from an economic standpoint.


It's likely just another uniparty dolt begging for Trump to win the primary because a Trump presidential run all but guarantees another Biden victory.


But if you look at what DeSantis has been doing, it has absolutely been building a resume for items that matter to people right now. And when Trump is standing there praising Charlie Crist while pissing on DeSantis, that's when you'll hear DeSantis explain that while Trump shows his commitment to only himself, DeSantis actually governed on the issues of importance to people right now.



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19 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:

I heard a talking head on Fox this week argue the problem with DeSantis is he goes after woke stuff, and not what truly needs to be addressed from an economic standpoint.


It's likely just another uniparty dolt begging for Trump to win the primary because a Trump presidential run all but guarantees another Biden victory.


But if you look at what DeSantis has been doing, it has absolutely been building a resume for items that matter to people right now. And when Trump is standing there praising Charlie Crist while pissing on DeSantis, that's when you'll hear DeSantis explain that while Trump shows his commitment to only himself, DeSantis actually governed on the issues of importance to people right now.



The Establishment and their media mouthpieces all talk a good game, promising people what they want to hear, but never delivering squat. 


DeSantis is actually pushing thru legislation to prevent his voters from suffering thru more woke crap which is  impacting their daily lives.


Hard to argue that he's not doing what needs to be done, when he is one of the few who kept his state open, businesses out of bankruptcy and kids in school.


the legislation will codify those actions which appeal heavily to most normal parents 



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pretty clear he wants to remain governor while running for Pres.

not sure why the media have not stumbled on this as the reason as he hasn't declared yet. 





Republican Ron DeSantis would not have to resign as Florida governor in order to run for president if he chooses under a bill given final approval Friday in by the GOP-dominated state Legislature.


The measure, attached to a much broader elections bill, would carve out an exemption to Florida law requiring anyone seeking office to resign from one they already hold after qualifying as a candidate. Only an officeholder running for U.S. president or vice president would not have to resign.

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1 hour ago, Spartacus said:

pretty clear he wants to remain governor while running for Pres.

not sure why the media have not stumbled on this as the reason as he hasn't declared yet. 





Republican Ron DeSantis would not have to resign as Florida governor in order to run for president if he chooses under a bill given final approval Friday in by the GOP-dominated state Legislature.


The measure, attached to a much broader elections bill, would carve out an exemption to Florida law requiring anyone seeking office to resign from one they already hold after qualifying as a candidate. Only an officeholder running for U.S. president or vice president would not have to resign.

They have been working on changing the law since it appeared he might want to run. 

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2 hours ago, Ann said:

They have been working on changing the law since it appeared he might want to run. 

no kidding 

pretty common knowledge to everyone except the MSM

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Crap Throwing Clavin
3 hours ago, Ann said:

Why would she be going after DeSantis?



Bigger question:  In this face off between Disney and the state of Florida, WHY ARE PROGRESSIVES SUDDENLY SUPPORTING TAX BREAKS FOR MAJOR CORPORATIONS????


We're through the looking glass here, people.  :facepalm:

Edited by Crap Throwing Clavin
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It was very good of DeSantis to tweet this guy's givesendgo. Yesterday when I looked it was at $500K, now it is over $850K. This will mean he doesn't have to take a plea deal and can afford decent representation.

" Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City. "


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Wife of embarrassingly disgraced Army dude lies to her almost half million followers. Quickly debunked. Tweet remains.





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3 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:

Wife of embarrassingly disgraced Army dude lies to her almost half million followers. Quickly debunked. Tweet remains.






Vindman married a woman?  After having watched a bit of his testimony during the impeachment saga, find that surprising.  Not that it matters 1 way or the other.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
34 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Vindman married a woman?  After having watched a bit of his testimony during the impeachment saga, find that surprising.  Not that it matters 1 way or the other.


Ostensibly a woman.


Who do you think wears the balls in this marriage?



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40 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Vindman married a woman?  After having watched a bit of his testimony during the impeachment saga, find that surprising.  Not that it matters 1 way or the other.


Admittedly, that was my first thought as well. To hear him talk, he sounds like he needs to be on a can of Bud Light.

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11 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Ostensibly a woman.


Who do you think wears the balls in this marriage?



She's Russian isn't she?

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19 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Ostensibly a woman.


Who do you think wears the balls in this marriage?





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