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Ron Desantis - the Great Satan


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25 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

DeSantis sure does and says a lot of really weird stuff for an Establishment plant


That's just what the establishment wants you to think.

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9 minutes ago, Ann said:


If you're going to argue that Rove working with DeSantis is Neocon stuff, I can't wait to hear what you think of Trump sitting down with Rove's best buddy tonight. :classic_laugh:



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8 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


If you're going to argue that Rove working with DeSantis is Neocon stuff, I can't wait to hear what you think of Trump sitting down with Rove's best buddy tonight. :classic_laugh:



If Karl Rove (big IF) is/will be running Ron DeSantis' 2024 presidential campaign, you are fine with that? No cause for concern? No worries? 

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3 minutes ago, Ann said:

If Karl Rove (big IF) is/will be running Ron DeSantis' 2024 presidential campaign, you are fine with that? No cause for concern? No worries? 


If DeSantis hires Rove to run his campaign, I won't have to worry about anything because that's a bad plan by DeSantis and he'll either lose or fire Rove en route to losing.


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Crap Throwing Clavin
17 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


If you're going to argue that Rove working with DeSantis is Neocon stuff, I can't wait to hear what you think of Trump sitting down with Rove's best buddy tonight. :classic_laugh:




That wood paneling is really over-the-top, particularly as it doesn't match the red oak flooring.  

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Disney quietly took power from DeSantis' new board before state takeover


The new board handpicked by the Republican governor to oversee Disney's special taxing district said Wednesday it is considering legal action over a multi-decade agreement reached between the entertainment giant and the outgoing board in the days before the state's hostile takeover last month.


Under the agreement -- quietly approved on February 8 as Florida lawmakers met in special session to hand DeSantis control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District -- Disney would maintain control over much of its vast footprint in Central Florida for 30 years and, in some cases, the board can't take significant action without first getting approval from the company.


"This essentially makes Disney the government," board member Ron Peri said during Wednesday's meeting, according to video posted by an Orlando television station. "This board loses, for practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintaining the roads and maintaining basic infrastructure."




The board on Wednesday retained "multiple financial and legal firms to conduct audits and investigate Disney's past behavior," DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said. According to meeting documents, the board was entering into agreements with four firms to provide counsel on the matter.


"The Executive Office of the Governor is aware of Disney's last-ditch efforts to execute contracts just before ratifying the new law that transfers rights and authorities from the former Reedy Creek Improvement District to Disney," Fenske said. "An initial review suggests these agreements may have significant legal infirmities that would render the contracts void as a matter of law."


In a statement to CNN, Disney stood by its actions.


"All agreements signed between Disney and the District were appropriate, and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida's Government in the Sunshine law," the company said. Documents for the February 8 meeting show it was noticed in the Orlando Sentinel as required by law.



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16 minutes ago, Ann said:

She has a thread. This is the county I live in. I have not seen anything in the local paper, but they only deliver Wednesday and Sunday.


She's a freaking lunatic. I mean, a seriously deranged lunatic.


She turned her son in because he threatened to shoot up some schools, and is now fundraising off the idea that DeSantis "kidnapped" her son for posting bad memes.


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The article from the local paper came out last night. (BTW, I love twitter community notes.)  Ohhhh she is the woman  that was fired for the covid-19 data kerfuffle in 2020. 


Rebekah Jones' son arrested in Florida after allegedly threatening to shoot up school, stab students




According to Jones, a threat assessment was completed in which both local police and the school signed off on the messages not being a threat. Two weeks later, Jones says her son was then arrested. When Jones asked the officers who ordered the arrest, she says an officer told her “it was the state.”


An incident report released Thursday afternoon by the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office allege that the 13-year-old made repeated threats to shoot up Holley Navarre Middle School and to stab students who angered him.


Investigators interviewed multiple students who spoke with the teenager, as well as those who saw messages he posted on social media. In the messages to his friends, the teenager made the following statements, among others:

“I want to shoot up the school.”


If I get a gun I’m gonna shoot up hnms lol.”


“I’m getting a wrath and natural selection shirt so maybe but I don’t think many ppl know what the columbine shooters look like.”


“Okay so it’s been like 3-4 weeks since I got on my new antidepressants and they aren’t working but they’re suppose to by now so I have no hope in getting better so why not kill the losers at school.”


The teenager told one of his friends that he planned to shoot up the school the Thursday before Spring Break but there were too many things going on so he postponed it until March 31.




The teenager was homeschooled at the time of the alleged threats.


Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office investigators called the boy’s mother, Rebekah Jones, who said the family was vacationing in Mississippi but would call investigators when she returned. During the interview, Rebekah Jones confirmed there were no guns in the residents and the only weapons were kitchen knives, which she has stored in a locked box.

SRSO spokeswoman Jillian Durkin said Jones turned her son in to the Sheriff's Office.


The teen appeared in a detention hearing via Zoom on Thursday afternoon where a judge determined there was probable cause in the case and scheduled an arraignment date for May 3.


The teen was placed on home detention release with a monitor. The judge also prohibited him from possessing any weapons or firearms, utilizing the internet for anything other than school purposes, and from having contact with anyone from the middle school.  



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1 hour ago, Ann said:



The biggest WOW about this woman is that, at this moment, right now, she has countless leftists defending her and standing up for her because they're just too stupid to ever think for themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Disney’s financial fairy tale in Florida is coming to an end thanks to Ron DeSantis



The “declaration of restrictive covenants” gives Disney total control over development and even bans the new board from using Disney’s name or the names of any of its “fanciful characters.” 


It added what is called a royal clause, used in England since 1692. 


It specified this “Declaration shall continue in effect until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England, living as of the date of this declaration.”


Disney may have been too clever by half. The “Hail Mickey” play appears fundamentally flawed. 


I have been told the new board intends to treat the declaration as null and void. It appears to have strong grounds to do so. 


Indeed, Disney’s legal case seemed no better planned than its political campaign.

First and foremost, under Florida Section 163.3225, a board cannot order such changes without giving a seven-day public notice and other conditions. 


You are not allowed a jump scare like Space Mountain — you must give notice on your intended measures.


There is no indication the board did so.

That alone could nullify the declaration. Ordinarily, a board would simply reschedule the vote with proper notice, but the old board is gone.


There are also serious problems with a board using a declaration to nullify a state law and pass a development plan with no actual plan for development. 


It is a curious legal claim that this now-defunct board could negate not just current state law but law for the next 30 years.


Instead, the new board will “quit talking and begin doing.” It will proceed with a vengeance.


Since the old board is no more, Disney will have to sue to try to enjoin the new board. For new CEO Bob Iger, this could make Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride look like a walk in the park.


Disney has no good options.



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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to unveil new crackdown against Disney after 11th-hour coup

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t backing down against Disney.

The Republican on Monday will unveil new measures against the corporate giant after it tried to kneecap his oversight of its self-governance power in the Sunshine State, The Post has learned.


“What they tried to do is an embarrassment,” a senior administration source told The Post. “The narrative the left is spinning is that Gov. DeSantis was outmaneuvered. But this is far from over, and he’s going to have the last laugh.”

DeSantis, 44, is set to announce plans by the state Legislature to void a controversial move by Disney that effectively stripped the governor’s newly installed oversight board of authority, sources said.


Officials called Disney’s tactic an illegal “poison pill” intended to undercut state supervision of its special tax district — and argued that the secret maneuver would be subject to swift legislative reversal.


“They got used to doing whatever they wanted for far too long,” one source said.


“Not this time.


“He’s not afraid of a fight on this,” the source added of DeSantis.




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Got that? Just move Disney World to a different state!


But even that buries the lede, which is that the Disney World properly simply cannot be moved. It’s fiscally impossible.


As just one example, the company’s financial fortunes have been significantly damaged, to the point where it’s laying off thousands of employees.


The property is also home to four theme parks, which could cost dozens of billions of dollars to replace. Not to mention two water parks, a baseball stadium and other sports facilities. There’s also 25 hotels and resorts and the massive Disney Springs shopping center.


And of course, the tremendous amount of infrastructure and transportation developments.

Relocating Disney World anywhere is not financially possible. How does a New York Times writer not know this?

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